Almond Butter vs. Peanut Butter – Which One Is Better?

By Hannah |
|5 min read

Over the past few years, almond butter and peanut butter have been the main types of nut butter available for consumption. However, many people find it hard to determine the healthier butter between the two. This article will help you solve the disputes so that you can make a good choice.

Peanut Butter vs. Almond Butter

One of the major factors in determining the best type of butter is its nutritional content. In the quest for nutritional supremacy, the following factors stand out when comparing almond butter vs. peanut butter.

1. Iron Content

The iron content in almond butter and peanut butter is almost the same. Iron in the body helps in:

  • Protecting Cells

Iron works together with vitamin E to relieve the oxidative stress in cells. This role protects the cells from damage by free radicals.

  • Formation of Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is the component of red blood cells that help in the transport of oxygen to the tissues and elimination of carbon dioxide from the tissues. Hemoglobin is formed from iron.

2. Fiber Content

Almond butter is better than peanut butter in the amount of fiber contained. One tablespoonful of almond butter contains roughly 1.7 grams of fiber, while one tablespoonful of peanut butter has only 0.8 grams. Fiber helps in:

  • Lowering the Risk of Chronic Disease

Studies have proved that increased intake of fiber-rich foods helps in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart and liver diseases.

  • Role in Digestion

Fiber helps in achieving efficient digestion of food. It keeps the bowel full, allowing for more time to churn the food. It also slows down the movement of digested food out of the body, thereby increasing the amount of food absorbed from the intestines.

3. Amount of Vitamin E

Almond butter boasts a whopping four times more vitamin E than peanut butter. This fat-soluble vitamin is very important in the human body:

  • Prevent Heart Disease

Vitamin E helps in the oxidation of the bad cholesterol, which is known medically as low density lipoprotein (LDL). Reduction of LDL levels in blood helps in preventing heart diseases.

  • Anti-cancer Properties of Vitamin E

This vitamin functions to stimulate the gene preventing the growth of cancer. This gene is called wild-type p53 tumour suppressor gene.

  • Role in Protecting the Skin

Free radicals induce the aging process and causes wrinkles in the skin. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and helps in eliminating these radicals. In this way, vitamin E helps in keeping the skin supple, while maintaining the youthful look.

4. Level of Monounsaturated Fat

Fat is a major component of all nuts, and the major fat in nuts is monounsaturated. Almond butter contains about 25 percent more monounsaturated fat when compared to the same amount of peanut butter. It helps in:

  • Lowering the Level of Cholesterol in Blood

Monounsaturated fat essentially reduces the level of bad cholesterol, while increasing the amount of good cholesterol. LDL is bad because it is the form in which cholesterol is transported to the body's cells. Conversely, HDL (high density lipoprotein) is good because it is the form in which cholesterol is transported to the liver, where it is broken down. In this regard, HDL helps in lowering the level of cholesterol in blood.

  • Reduce the Risk of Developing Heart Disease

Heart disease develops when cholesterol deposits in the walls of the blood vessels and can develop into large masses called atheromatous plaques. These plaques can obstruct the flow of blood not only to the heart, but also to other body organs. Monounsaturated fats increase the level of HDL, which helps in reducing the amount of cholesterol in blood. In the end, these plaques do not form in the blood vessels, hence there is no risk for developing heart diseases.

How to Make Almond Butter at Home

1. Ingredients

  • 3 cups raw almonds – about 16 ounces
  • ¼ teaspoon salt Optional additives such as:
  • Ground cinnamon – ¼ teaspoon
  • Vanilla extract – ½ teaspoon
  • Maple syrup or honey – 2 tablespoons

2. Instruction

  • Start by preheating the oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After achieving sufficient heat, spread your almonds across a baking sheet and toast for about 10 minutes.

  • Leave the almonds to cool for an extra 10 minutes until they are sufficiently warm.

  • Transfer the warm almonds to a blender. Use a high speed blender to achieve maximum results. The processor will turn the clumpy almonds to a fine cream.

  • Once you have achieved the smooth texture you want, add your preferred additives and sufficient amount of salt. Blend again for the additives to mix evenly.

  • Finally, let the almond butter cool slowly to room temperature. Transfer to a jar and cover with a lid. You can eat it immediately or store in the refrigerator.

How to Make Peanut Butter at Home

1. Ingredients

  • 2 cups raw shelled peanuts
  • ½ teaspoon Salt
  • Optional ingredients such as:
  • Peanut oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons
  • Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons
  • Cinnamon – ½ teaspoon

2. Instruction

  • Roast the peanuts evenly at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes, until they are brown.

  • Transfer the nuts to a high speed blender until they look dry and gritty.

  • Process the peanuts in the blender, each time scraping the downsides of the blender until they start clumping together. Do this for about 10 minutes or until it is soft.

  • Add your additional ingredients and process again so that they can mix evenly.

  • Transfer to a storage container.

Final Thought

Is almond butter good for you? Absolutely! Although peanut butter has dominated the market for decades, almond butter seems to be a better option in terms of nutritional content. This, however, does not disqualify the use of peanut butter. You can use either of the two. But when faced with an option, almond butter is certainly the best to go for. Watch the following video to gain more insight about almond butter vs. peanut butter.



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