Best Ways to Treat and Prevent a Migraine

By Melody Lee |
|5 min read

Headaches are the worst, no matter if you feel it at the front of your head, your temples, or maybe a combination of both. There is one thing though that is even worse and that is a migraine. If you have ever wanted to know how to get rid of a migraine, you know firsthand how awful they are. A migraine usually attacks one side of a person's head and can include other symptoms such as feeling sick and dizzy. Today though we are giving you the best tips for getting rid of a migraine.

Best Treatment Methods for a Migraine

1. Best Proven Remedies

Here we will share with you the five best remedies for getting rid of a migraine. If you want to know how to get rid of migraines fast, keep on reading. If you have any serious questions about any of these remedies, consult with a doctor first.

  • Lavender Oil & Peppermint Oil: Rubbing either lavender or peppermint oil on your forehead has proven to provide excellent relief from migraines. Lavender oil is what is known as a mood stabilizer and it can really calm you down and make you feel better. Peppermint oil boosts the blood flow and helps put a stop to the throbbing you feel from a migraine.

  • Feverfew: Feverfew is a herb that is very popular with people who suffer from migraines as it helps alleviate some of the worst migraine symptoms, including but not limited to feeling sick, a sensitivity to light and a real throbbing sensation in your head. There are many products and supplements that are made from feverfew leaves, so find one that suits you best.

  • Magnesium: Magnesium is fantastic when it comes to dealing with headaches in general and migraines are no different. When you ask someone the question, how to get rid of a migraine? magnesium is the answer you will usually get first. Low levels of magnesium are regarded as one of the causes of migraines in the first place. The suggested amount is 200–600 mg of magnesium per day to keep those nasty migraines away. Magnesium is a far safer and in all honesty, a better way to get rid of a migraine than painkillers are. So check out your local pharmacy or supermarket for magnesium supplements.

  • Vitamin B2 Supplements: B Vitamins, in general, are great for your body, but Vitamin B2 supplements can really offer you a lot of relief from a migraine. Vitamin B2 supplements are perfectly safe and taking these can actually reduce the frequency of migraines in the first place. However, the fact that they can significantly reduce the symptoms of a migraine is why so many people recommend them to people who suffer from migraines.

  • Acupuncture & Acupressure: We know that the idea of acupuncture freaks some people out, but it has proven to be very effective for dealing with migraines. Think about it, when you have a headache your natural reaction is to massage your temples, forehead, or anywhere that is sore as the pressure helps deal with the pain. Acupuncture is providing this same kind of pressure treatment but in a much more focused way.

2. What about Medication for Migraine Relief?

Rushing to the pharmacy or calling the doctor may be what first comes to mind. We wanted to give you a little more information about medication and migraine relief.

  • Over-the-counter Drugs: Most supermarkets, pharmacies, and even dollar stores have a large section dedicated to pain relief. There are some that can help mask the pain of a migraine, but you do not want to be taking these over and over again. Be sure to check the dosage for any over-the-counter migraine medication you get and check with a doctor if you have any questions.

  • Prescription Drugs: If you have tried all the remedies and just want to know how to get rid of a migraine in the quickest way possible, a doctor may very well prescribe you a stronger kind of medication.

Best Ways to Prevent a Migraine

We have looked at ways that you can treat a migraine. Now here are some ways that you can prevent them in the first place.

  • Avoid Bright Lights & Loud Noises: A movie theater, strobe lights, car lights at night and much more can all be small things that trigger a migraine without you even realizing. Of course, avoiding these is easier said than done, but at least you can try to avoid certain situations which you know will be loud and have a lot of bright lights.

  • Watch What You Eat: Certain foods like chocolate, cheese, artificial sweeteners and so on can trigger a migraine. Next time you get one, think about what you have eaten and if you have gotten a migraine in the past shortly after eating that same thing. Either stop eating them or cut back significantly.

  • Hormone Changes: Certain kinds of birth control and of course her monthly cycle can alter a woman's hormones which can also lead to migraines. Instead of asking how to get rid of migraines fast, think about being prepared by getting home remedies ready before your cycle starts or asking a doctor about changing your birth control.

  • Get Enough Sleep and Food: People who fast tend to suffer from migraines as their body is not getting enough nutrients. A lack of sleep can also lead to bad headaches and migraines. Ensuring you are eating enough during the day and getting a good night's sleep is going to work wonders for preventing migraines.

  • Relaxing Exercise: Lifting heavy weights and being really intense in the gym can lead to headaches. Try some more relaxing forms of exercise. Yoga, some water aerobics, and light aerobics, in general, are great ways to keep in shape, but also relax at the same time.

Knowing how to get rid of a migraine is something that is really going to help you out. Just make sure that you speak to a doctor if your migraines are causing you severe pain or if you just do not know what remedy or medication is right for you.



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