How Does Music Affect Your Mood - Find Out the Answer Now

By Dorian Colson |
|5 min read

Music is a combination of instruments or vocals in a certain rhythm to produce a harmonious sound used to express emotions, pass some message, teach, entertain, and sooth human moods. From ancient times when drums and other archaic instruments were in use to today when there are unlimited music streams, it is clear music is dear to the human experience and moods. Music has an effect on human feelings. By using music therapy and rehabilitation you are able to bring relief, enjoyment, and a comfortable mood to your situation. For example, when you are sad, listening to music can cheer you up and bring some happiness.

Music Does Affect Your Mood in These Aspects

Now you probably have known that music affects the human mind, but how does music affect your mood? Music impacts your emotions and perception of different situations. By listening to a certain music genre, your moods can be impacted in a specific way. The following guideline on music will give you a hint of what music does to your moods.

  • Upbeat music makes you happy and reduces your stress

When you are feeling sad, stressed, or depressed, upbeat music (rock music) can impact your moods positively. This kind of music leads to the production of serotonin and norepinephrine hormone. It is believed that these two hormones are produced when listening to upbeat sounds. The two hormones contribute to lowering your tension and elevates your moods from a depressed, sad, or stressed point to foster happiness. Additionally, dopamine, a kind of neurotransmitter (attached to feeling good), fills your body when listening to upbeat sounds.

  • Lyrics motivate you

Does music affect your mood? Some musicians compose their songs with an aim to create lyrics which are strictly meant to motivate. When you are feeling hopeless and lost, listening to inspiring lyrics can motivate you. For example, lyrics from sports songs help motivate players. Specific lyrics will urge the player to play harder and press on for better results even if the first part of the game was not pleasing.

  • Music changes your perception

There is the power of perception influence in music. The way you perceive the environment around you is what affect the kind of mood you have. That is why when you are sad, listening to a sad song can increase sadness. When grieving over the death of a loved one, a sad song veered towards the loss of a friend or relative will make you sadder. On the other hand, if you are listening to a happy song, your mood will change to that of happiness and people around you can tell it from your facial expressions.

  • Music can modify your brainwaves whose impact may last for days

If you still wondering how does music affect your mood, just know music effects can run for hours even after switching your radio off. The kind of lyrics and sound rhythm produced by some music impacts your brain waves and does not disappear immediately after turning off the music. That is why you might find yourself moving your head sometimes in line with the music rhythm you had listened to. Additionally, if the brain waves elicited some happiness, you will still be happy as long as the memory remains.

Music Benefits You in Other Ways

Apart from its impact on moods, listening to music has other effects on you. The connection between the human brain and music elicits crucial impressions that stimulate the following brain functions.

  • Memory

There is a great connection between brain memory and music. It is possible for human beings to have a connection between a song and a certain memorable moment. For Alzheimer's patients, their memory is improved by listening to the kind of music they loved. Secondly, you can rekindle the memories of a "date” you attended with your loved one in your early 20s, after listening to or hearing a romantic song that was played on that night. This is because some emotional memories can be triggered after listening to a certain song.

  • Attention

Through consideration of how music affects mood in a human being, you will realize it impacts your attention both positively and negatively. Listening to music keeps your mind strongly focused and improves attention. When listening to a certain song, you mind concentrates and sends you into a silent moment where attention to the song details is improved. At such times, brain activity is enhanced and attention to details is increased. On the other hand, some music beats and rhythm can cause attention loss. This happens at times when your mind gets diverted between doing something or listening to a song being played.

  • Learning and neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of human brain to rewire or reorganize itself after traumatic brain damage. Sometimes when brain damage happens, a human being may lose memory. Through neuroplasticity, the human brain develops some new nerve cell that compensates for the neural damage and helps to regain its functionality. Music helps patients develop a connection with their old and forgotten memories.

In conclusion, music does not only work for enjoyment. Taking a leaf from the above guidelines, you can impact your life positively or negatively using music. It all depends on the choice of music types you listen to and the situation you are in.



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