How to Get Rid of Cocaine From Your System

By Emma |
|5 min read

Cocaine, a stimulant, is also known as coke. It is an illegal white powdered drug that causes a euphoric, chatty, and sometimes energetic feeling. After injecting, snorting, ingesting orally, or smoking this drug, it causes your brain to release a high amount of dopamine. This dopamine elicits the effects of euphoria. However, once the effects wear off in about 30 minutes, you are left with long-term consequences. Cocaine causes lethal health issues and a dangerous kind of addiction. In case you have a drug test coming up, or want to get off cocaine, you might begin contemplating how to get cocaine out of your system. Getting it out of your system is the best thing to do. Read on for the details you need.

How to Get Cocaine out of Your System Fast

The first step in getting cocaine out of your body is to quit using cocaine. It is not easy. If you are committed and follow these suggestions, you can do it.

1. Drink plenty of water

You need to keep your body as hydrated as possible. Any fluid, be it juice or plain water, is essential. You need to drink about four quarts of water every day to help your kidneys filter your blood well to sieve all the toxins and coke metabolites out of your system. By so doing you will expel them through urine.

2. Exercise

Exercising gets your body to sweat profusely, which is a way human bodies excrete waste material. You can do some workouts at the gym or do some outdoor exercises like sprinting, jogging, jumping rope, biking, running, and many more. Any activity that gets your body to profusely sweat is what you need. Remember, the goal is to help you expel out all the cocaine byproducts in your body through sweat.

3. Keep a healthy diet

Your diet routine is one answer to the question how to get cocaine out of your system. You need to eat a balanced diet that is made up of veggies and fruits. Foods like these contain vitamin B, Pectin, potassium, and other compounds that prevent cocaine compounds from sticking to the subcutaneous fat layers. Potassium from bananas and other fruit is needed to help you urinate more and get rid of more toxins. Lastly, you need fiber for easy food digestion and excretion, which will help expel more cocaine compounds though bowel waste.

4. Take baths

Taking a warm bath is beneficial to your overall goal in two ways. First, a hot bath will soothe your nerves from any drug stress. Second, by taking a long hot shower and scrubbing yourself well, excretion of any drug toxin in and on your skill will be hastened. You will also help scrub off dead skin cells containing cocaine compounds.

5. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is a drug too, but becomes lethal when trying to get rid of cocaine. Alcohol has compounds which bind with cocaine metabolites to form compounds that attach to fat layers and becomes difficult to excrete. Any beverage, beer, or energy drink containing alcohol should be avoided altogether.

6. Try detox products

There are several detoxing products outs there. Some are produced to help people pass drug tests, but they remain unapproved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They might be in the form of pills, beverages, or even powders. If you decide to try them, you only do so at your own risk.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in One's System?

The question of how to get cocaine out your system fast depends on several factors, such as the method by which cocaine got into your system, the amount of cocaine in your system, the longevity of use, and the condition of your body all matter a lot. These different tests will show cocaine's availability and thus explain more about cocaine stay in your system.

  • Urine

Urine contains cocaine metabolites for 2-4 days after you take cocaine. For those who are heavy cocaine users, their urine can confirm urine metabolites (usage) for 12 days from the day of intake. The effectiveness of this test depends on coke purity and dosage taken. For extreme cocaine users, cocaine can be detectable for a period of as much as three weeks.

  • Saliva

After you have taken your coke, you will start to feel its effect 30 minutes after snorting, 45 minutes after smoking, 60 minutes after oral ingestion, and 5 minutes after injection. Even after the euphoric feelings have passed, your saliva will show coke traces for the next 19-24 hours. After 24 hours, testing the saliva will not reveal traces of coke. You can take a drug test, and the results will be clean.

  • Hair

Hair testing is one of the most compromising tests. Cocaine metabolites can be detected in your hair for a very long time. Coke traces are found in the hair as well as in the root of the hair. Your hair can confirm cocaine metabolites for 90 days after the initial ingestion.

  • Blood

Although cocaine side effects can remain for years, a blood test is the most unlikely coke test that can sell you out. After you have taken a cocaine dosage, a blood test will reveal negative results for cocaine metabolites within only 12 hours. This 12-hour mark is on the maximum end; after as little as 2 hours your blood can be clear of coke metabolites. Even if you are worried about how to get cocaine out your system, your body's natural physiological processes can save you before that drug test.

Take Home Message

Whether or not a test will reveal negative results, the long-term results of cocaine use are dangerous. The brain suffers long-term damage, as well as the body as a whole. Cocaine is an addictive stimulant. Once a user has become addicted, abstinence is very difficult. A professional-assisted rehabilitation process is necessary to help an addict. Why go through all the suffering of rehabilitation when it is better to simply avoid this drug altogether. To achieve recovery, this detoxification process is vital and provided for your reference.



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