Is It Safe to Crack Your Neck? Find the Answer Inside

By Sunny |
|5 min read

Are you feeling a pressure on the back of your neck, probably after waking up or sitting for the prolonged periods of time in the same posture? And you want to release this pressure by cracking your neck? If yes, then you need to think twice as we are going to talk about Is cracking your neck bad. Your neck is more sensitive than other joints, and when you crack your neck the facet joint of necks fluid spread out and becomes gas that gives a popping sound and sometimes pinches the nerves. We are always cracking knuckles, fingers, toes backs and even our necks to release the muscle stress.

Stay tuned with this page and let's understand is it bad, good or what it is? We starting with causes.

What are the main causes of neck cracking?

A. Pressure changes in the synovial fluid. Many studies have suggested the causes for the popping sound or cracking of neck. The recent 2015 study says that synovial fluid is present between our various joints and when we stretch or crack our joints, the pressure of this fluid changes. This leads to the creation of gaseous bubbles resulting in a popping sound. It is interesting to mention an earlier study of 1971. It suggested that the popping sound of joints is created by the bursting of bubbles in the synovial fluid.

B. Rubbing of ligaments or tendons upon the bones. Many studies have suggested the causes for the popping sound or cracking of neck. The recent 2015 study says that synovial fluid is present between our various joints and when we stretch or crack our joints, the pressure of this fluid changes. This leads to the creation of gaseous bubbles resulting in a popping sound. It is interesting to mention an earlier study of 1971. It suggested that the popping sound of joints is created by the bursting of bubbles in the synovial fluid.

C. Worn out cartilage leading to bone grinding. The bone in our joints is surrounded by cartilage. This cartilage gets worn-out with old age and also during certain conditions like osteoarthritis. The worn-out cartilage exposes the bones and they may grind with other bone resulting in a cracking sound.

Major risks of cracking neck

A. Symptoms of osteoarthritis. When anyone cracks their neck as a habit, the extra pressure on the joints causes instability of the neck and also invites the problem of osteoarthritis. In osteoarthritis, the tissues present at the end of bones become weak.

B. Pain & swelling in Neck. Cracking the neck harshly or too frequently can badly affect the movement and mobility of the neck. The frequent neck cracking can also lead to exhaustion of cartilage causing pain and swelling in the neck. This can further encourage the signs of arthritis.

C. Bad influence on spine. When net cracking becomes a habit it makes things worse by affecting your spinal vertebrae also. The frequent cracking makes ligaments and tendons work more than usual. This puts extra pressure on the ligaments and also upon the surrounding cartilage. Bones which act as a bridge to the vertebrae also get affected in the same manner and thus, cracking creates the problem for the spine too.

D. Disturbed blood supply causing a stroke. Is cracking your neck bad? Well, frequent neck cracking gives rise to the major risk of stroke. Neck cracking as a habit can damage the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. The improper blood supply can cause blood clotting and stroke which is a serious condition.

How can you break the habit?

Too much neck cracking is harmful to you, and painful as well it would be great if you just stop it or do other tactics that can help you relieving muscle pressure. It is a common habit, but if you really want to keep your neck healthy, opt for other methods to comfort your muscles.

A. Stretch your neck muscles. To reduce the muscle tension and discomfort, you can gently stretch your neck muscles and hold for 30 seconds.

B. Move your neck in all directions. If you are feeling stiffness, cracking neck won't work. Move your head in circles, clockwise and then counterclockwise.

C. Strengthen your neck muscles. It is a good practice for stability. Tie an elastic exercise band around your head and attach it to something stable. Walk away from it until you feel the tension in the exercise band.

Alternatively, you can also consult a physical therapist, who can help you reduce the muscle stress with some specific exercises. Make sure you are sleeping and sitting in a right posture to avoid build-up of stress in the muscles.

How can you do it correctly?

So that we know that the kind of harm neck cracking can do if you are not giving it a proper attention. Constant neck cracking is a bad habit, you just try to avoid it completely. Like mentioned, try to avoid it as possible especially if you are doing it constantly. If it has become habitual then try to cut the habit. If you are really used to do it, here are a few steps to do neck cracking correctly.

  • If you are feeling like cracking your neck, look down, it helps to comfort the tension in the neck muscles and ligaments.
  • Sit straight and relax. Now make a firm fist. Keep your fist on your chin in a firm manner but make sure that your fist is placed slightly to the right side of your chin. When this position is gained, start pushing your fist to the left side.
  • After doing the above step properly, you will hear a cracking noise. But wait as you need to crack the other side of your neck too.
  • To crack the other side of your neck, place your open palm across under your chin. Now start pushing your palm to the right side. The pushing movement of your palm will again result in cracking sound of your neck.
  • If you hear the crack sound on both the steps, you have done the neck cracking properly.



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