Apple Cider Vinegar as a Natural Remedy for Heartburn Sensation

By Hannah |
|5 min read

Burning Sensation or Heartburn

Is a burning feeling right below your sternum bothering you later after eating? You are probably suffering from heartburn. Heartburn, or a burning chest sensation, is caused by stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. The stomach acid can irritate the esophagus, leading to this disturbing sensation.

Eating certain meals, laying down just after eating, or a clinical condition such as herniation may cause these symptoms. If not taken care of, acid reflux evolves into a disease called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is a potential risk factor for stomach cancer. Acid reflux can be controlled with home remedies and lifestyle changes. However, if the symptoms occur more than twice a week, consider checking up with your primary physician.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Heartburn

It is said that people who suffer from heartburn can try apple cider vinegar for reflux after meals, and a dose of two tablespoons in a glass of water after each meal will likely reduce the heartburn sensation.

Apple cider vinegar is an acid; theoretically, when the stomach detects extra acidity, it sends a signal to stop producing more stomach acid. As a result, the apple cider tricks the stomach and helps to reduce the heartburn. Besides, it is a weaker acid, which also helps to lower stomach acidity without compromising on digestion.

However, none of these theories has been scientifically proven. More research is needed to define whether apple cider vinegar is a reputable way to treat acid reflux.

Other Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides using apple cider vinegar for heartburn caused by acid reflux, apple cider vinegar has many other health benefits.

1. Increases in Esophageal Sphincter Tone

The area which connects the stomach and the esophagus is made of a muscle that contracts and relaxes with food stimulus. This is called the esophageal sphincter, and when too loose, could be related to acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar is believed to improve the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. Other substances that also interact with the tone are tobacco, coffee, iced tea, coca cola, and most black beverages. They, however, lower the tone of the sphincter and could be potential causes of heartburn. Try to avoid those during meals.

2. Lowers Risks of Many Diseases

Whatever the reason you'll like your blood sugar levels under control, apple cider vinegar is a good ally. Human studies have shown that apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal and insulin function, helping to fight diabetes. Other studies suggest that apple cider vinegar can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as reduces blood pressure. All these factors lead to reduced risk of heart disease.

3. Reduces Body Fat

It seems like apple cider vinegar is used as a weight loss aid, mainly by promoting satiety and lowering blood sugar and insulin levels. Surprisingly when taken with meals, apple cider vinegar increases the sensation of satiety, helping you eat fewer calories during the course of the day. Besides, it has been proven to reduce belly fat and weight loss by taking it daily. Obesity has been shown to increase the risk of acid reflux (and many other diseases). Kill two birds with one stone by using apple cider vinegar can lower your weight and reduce heartburn sensation.

4. Kills Harmful Bacteria

It has traditionally been used for cleaning and disinfecting, killing harmful pathogens, including bacteria. It has been used historically for cleaning wounds, and nowadays, it's an effective food preservative, inhibiting bacteria from growing in food and spoiling it.

Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar Has Side Effects

Apple cider vinegar benefits are so numerous that they seem endless, however, too much apple cider vinegar can have side effects. Make sure to consume the right amount and stick to the recommended dose.

1. It can damage your tooth enamel

The acidity, as well as other acidic foods, can harm your teeth. Dissolving it with water and using a straw to drink it (it helps to keep it away from touching your teeth) are useful tips. However, the most important part is to rinse your teeth with water and wash them immediately after meals. What damages your pearly whites is leaving the apple cider vinegar in contact with your teeth for too long.

2. May interact with prescribed medications

As with other natural remedies, apple cider vinegar is suspected to negatively interact with some medications such as diuretics, laxatives, heart disease medications, and diabetes drugs. If you have one of these conditions and are taking medication, consult with your doctor before including apple cider vinegar in your diet.

3. It can worsen ulcers

Although apple cider vinegar is a weak acid, it still has many of the acid effects in the body. If you have an ulcer, definitely skip using it for acid reflux, which may aggravate your ulcer.

In Summary

Natural remedies don't have a whole lot of research to back up their results, but many people swear by apple cider vinegar for heartburn as a cure. From the little evidence available, apple cider vinegar is proven to help you lose weight, besides being good for your health. If you want to try it, or are using any other medication, check with your doctor first.



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