How Long Does It Take to Digest Food

By Hannah |
|5 min read

The sole purpose of your digestive system is to convert food into beneficial nutrients that your body can use for growth, cell repair, cell generation, and energy. This is known as the digestion process: it starts with the mouth and ends at the anus. Digestion itself can take some time. How long to digest food is often asked. Digestion duration differs for everyone due to several factors. The following are the general digestive duration and the factors that affect it.

General Digestive Duration

How long does it take to digest food? When you eat, the digestion process begins with your mouth: you chew the food and saliva, which contains an enzyme, breaks the food down. Thereafter, the chewed food goes into your stomach through the gullet. It stays in the stomach for about 4 to 5 hours and during this period, enzymes act on it to further break it down. They eventually go into the small intestine and then get absorbed into the bloodstream. The unwanted ones go to the large intestine then the anus for egestion. Undigested food can stay in the large intestine for up to 24 hours or more.
How long does food take to digest? The entire process to completely digest food usually takes between 24 and 72 hours and this is based on several factors.

Factors that Influence Digestive Duration

  • Age
    The digestive process and duration slow down as we grow older. The rate at which food may digest in a child is faster than in an adult. Another important thing to note is the chance of getting a digestive problem like constipation or an ulcer increases as you grow older.

  • Gender
    A study indicates that it takes 33 hours in men and 47 hours in women for food to go through the colon. There are many ways the male digestive system is different from the female digestive system. The most significant differences are the hormones, reproductive organs, and childbirth. These cause the digestive period to differ. Females have longer large intestines than males and this may be linked to pregnancy and the need for a female's body to absorb more fluid to maintain a filled amniotic fluid. Men, on the other hand, have tighter abdominal walls due to testosterone, irrespective of body weight.

  • Digestive Problems
    Digestive issues also affect how long it takes to digest food. Bloating, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, belly pain, belching and gas, and growling stomach are among numerous digestive problems. All of these symptoms can lead to long-lasting indigestion. You feel full and get an unpleasant sensation in your belly during and after eating.

  • Chewing Duration
    This is in direct proportion to the rate at which foods digest. Your stomach does not have teeth. Therefore, you have to chew your food thoroughly when it is in your mouth. This is because the more your food is completely chewed, the more its surface area is increased. Hence raising its ability to absorb digestive juices faster and finally making the whole digestive process quicker.

  • Food Types
    The type of food you eat largely affects the digestive time. Sugars and sugary foods like candies, cakes, pasta, and cookies digest very fast. Also, vegetables and fruits, which are known to be rich in fiber, digest quickly. On the other hand, fatty foods and foods that are rich in protein take more time to digest.

How to Improve Digestion

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is essential to digestion. You should drink enough water, because it enhances the movement of food, keeps your intestines flexible, eases the exit of waste from the body and prevents constipation. Dehydration is one of the main causes of chronic constipation. In addition, your stool gets hard and it becomes difficult to egest if you don't drink enough water regularly.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

If you want to improve your digestion, you need to check your diet. Cultivate the habit of eating a diet that contains all the classes of foods in their right proportion.

  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. They are excellent sources of fiber. Individuals who eat more fiber have a smooth-running digestive system compared to those who don't eat it or take very little.

  • Eat more probiotic-rich foods like fermented kimchi, kefir, and yogurts. These contain beneficial bacteria that replenish the gut with good bacteria and reduce the growth of bad ones.

  • Cut out foods that contain a lot of sugar, sodium (salt), and unhealthy fats. Don't overeat or eat too little. Chew your food thoroughly always.

3. Exercise Regularly

Another factor that influences digestion is exercise. Individuals who exercise daily have quicker digestion because exercise increases metabolism, even after you have ended the physical engagement. By just taking a gentle walk after eating, you may reduce or prevent constipation, bloating, and gas.

4. Manage Stress

Stress slows down digestion and supports bloating, cramps, and heartburn. Engage in meditation and deep breathing because they can help relieve stress and therefore improve your digestion.

5. Sleep Well

Lack of sleep makes the body crave a simple solution to restore energy, such as imbibing sugar and caffeine. A lack of good quality sleep can also lead to stress, which exacerbates digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome. If you are looking to enhance your digestive process, you need to get good quality sleep regularly.

On a Final Note

Now you have learned the answer to the question, "how long does it take to digest food”. The digestive duration usually lasts between 24 and 72 hours due to several factors that include your age, gender, chewing habit, digestive problems, and the types of food you eat. To improve the digestive system, start with staying hydrated and eating healthy foods. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, reduce stress and get quality sleep. All of these practices will improve your digestion process. You can try them or consult your doctor for professional advice. If you want to find more information about how long digestion take, please click here.



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