Are Eggs Good for You - Find Out Egg Benefits

By Kelvin Daniel |
|5 min read

Eggs do not lead to heart diseases. You have probably found yourself wondering whether are eggs good for you. In the past decades, egg eating has been blamed for causing heart disease. The fact that one egg contains about 200 grams of cholesterol (the same cholesterol blamed for causing cardiovascular diseases), meaning that many people feared to eat them. However, new research has helped redeem the bad name given to eggs. These reports have shown eating one egg a day contributes to the increase of HDL (the good cholesterol) and also helps in reducing LDL (the bad cholesterol).

Highlights of Egg Benefits

Eggs feature among those foods termed as "superfoods”. There are a number of benefits associated with egg eating. Below are some of them (but check with a medical professional when planning any change of diet).

  • Rich in nutrition

For healthy living, consider egg eating. Most nutrients dearly needed by the human body are found in eggs. Adding an egg to a meal, and not just breakfast is highly beneficial to the diet. Each egg contains vitamins A, B5, B12, and B2, folate, selenium, phosphorus, protein (six grams), 77 calories, healthy fats. (five grams), and saturated fat (1.6 grams).

  • Low LDL cholesterol but high HDL

If it is true eggs contain cholesterol; are eggs healthy? Well, the truth is the cholesterol level found in eggs is not solely responsible for heart diseases. The kind of cholesterol produced in the liver is the most harmful. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL - the bad cholesterol and HDL - the good cholesterol. When one eats an egg, production of HDL increases while inhibiting production of LDL. When LDL reduces, the chances of high blood pressure and strokes are reduced.

  • Contain lutein, zeaxanthin, and antioxidants

One major effect of aging is eyesight problems. Lack of vital nutrients and cell degeneration are the main causes of eyesight issues. People need eggs to supply their bodies with antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein which reduce retina cell degeneration and can lead to better eyesight in old age. Additionally, egg eating helps prevent cataract development.

  • Good source of Choline

Choline is not a well-known nutrient but is essential in muscle functionality, nerve functionality, neurological development, cell membrane making and the metabolism process. From egg consumption, one benefits with 100 grams of choline per egg. Eggs are among the best-known sources of choline. Therefore, questions like "are eggs good for you" must be answered in the affirmative.

  • Help lose weight

Weight gain and obesity are associated with cardiovascular diseases. You must strive to maintain a medium weight, or lose weight if your BMI index reading confirms you are overweight. Eggs are among the best foods to help you to lose weight. One egg contains a high percentage of protein, one of the best-known macronutrients to stimulate satiety. An egg, especially in the morning, helps you feel satisfied thus preventing the desire to overeat. Also, it helps you remain full for longer, reducing snacking desire, which can lead to weight increase.

Healthiest Ways to Eat Eggs

In spite of eggs being packed with a lot of nutrients, the way you prepare or eat them affects the availability of nutrients. A perfect preparation means getting the maximum nutrients possible. Below are some of the best ways to prepare and eat eggs.

  • Boiled

This is one of the simplest egg preparation processes. Whether you want a hard or runny yolk depends on your boiling method. Just take an egg and boil for six to ten minutes. Some people say a soft yolk preserves more nutrients than a hard one but either way you will benefit.

  • Poached

This preparation method is not for cowards. An egg is cracked in a small bowl, and then carefully poured into a pot half filled with water about 71-82 degrees Celsius for a maximum of three minutes. After the white part forms around the yolk, covering it perfectly, scoop the egg out ready for eating.

  • Scrambled

There are a lot of vitamins in eggs together with other nutrients which should not be destroyed through the preparation style. If you are in a hurry, making a scrambled egg is simple. All you need to do is break an egg into a bowl, mix the yolk and the white part and then put it in an oven for about three minutes.

  • Sunny side up

To prepare a baked egg, you take a flat-bottomed dish and heat it in a microwave for two minutes. Take it out, smear some cooking oil on it and then crack an egg on it. Remember to pierce the egg top to prevent it from exploding in the microwave. Lastly, cook it in the microwave for 45 seconds and you will have a perfectly baked egg ready for you.

These are some of the essential details of egg health benefits. Do not hold yourself back from enjoying the sweetness of an egg or taking advantage of the tasty nutrients. What you eat will directly impact your body health. Ensure you eat a balanced diet with an egg featured if possible at least once a day.



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