Best Remedies to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

By Dorian Colson |
|5 min read

Cholesterol is a waxy oily substance found in human cells. It is used by the body to make digestive acids like bile, cell walls, certain hormones, and vitamin D. Apart from all these vital usages, some types and amounts of cholesterol can be detrimental to a person's health. Sources of cholesterol are foods like animal products (meat, cheese, dairy products) and processed foods. If cholesterol level rises too high, it combines with other body compounds to form plaque. Plaque gets attached to the artery wall and narrows them. Cholesterol types are a Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). Cholesterol rise is attributed to some factors like age, heredity, weight, and race.

Proven Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

High levels of LDL and VLDL cause heart diseases. When cholesterol plaque narrows the artery surface, it affects blood flow. High blood pressure, heart attacks, and artery rupturing can all be caused by dangerous cholesterol levels. If you are wondering how to reduce cholesterol naturally home remedies as highlighted below are effective.

  • Garlic: Garlic is a bulb full of health benefits. Garlic is made up of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and organosulfur responsible for lowering cholesterol level (especially the bad LDL). It is most effective when drunk raw after being ground and mixed with water.

  • Green tea: Drinking green tea is healthy. It contains polyphenols that have been credited with many health advantages. One of its compounds (known as polyphenols), when ingested, is helpful not only in lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) level but also increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

  • Flax seeds: Flax seeds are powerful antioxidants. They are among the best home remedies for high cholesterol. Their antioxidant effect is due to vitamin E found in the gamma-tocopherol form of the seeds. This antioxidant prevents the formation of plaque which causes narrowing of arteries. It works by inhibiting the increase of cholesterol to a risky level. Flax seeds are consumed after mixing about one to two tablespoon of their powder with organic honey and taking the mixture. If you manage to do that for a month, you will have solved your cholesterol worry.

  • Amla: Amla is a fruit rich in vitamin C, Phenolic compounds, essentials amino acids and minerals. On cholesterol build up, Amla is very precious. It has been noted to work best on lowering cholesterol levels more than some manufactured drugs. Eating one Amla every day protects you from Atherosclerosis; an effect of cholesterol builds up.

  • Fish rich in omega-3 fats: Generally, fish eating is highly preferred than meat due to a lot of nutrients it provides. If you are trying to lower your LDL levels, you should consider taking a glass of boiled water mixed with therapeutic fish oil. Omega 3 fatty acids work in lowering LCD and as well, stepping up your body's immunity system.

Further Tips to Maintain Good Cholesterol Levels

In addition to "how to reduce cholesterol naturally home remedies,” there are other lifestyle changes to help maintain good cholesterol levels. One thing to note is that lipoproteins are the once responsible for carrying cholesterol in your body since it is not soluble in water or blood. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), helps in carrying cholesterol deposits away from the blood vessel and also prevents diseases. But Low-density lipoprotein leads to deposits of cholesterol in blood vessel walls where it is not needed. Below are tips to help you maintain good cholesterol levels.

  • Avoid trans fats: Trans fats can be defined as unsaturated fats from vegetable oils. They are passed through a process called hydrogenation to make them more suitable for the body. Products like margarine are prepared though hydrogenation but not all the unsaturated fat becomes saturated. When you eat processed cookies, pastries, and spreads, there is a high probability they contain some cholesterol. Trans fat intake elevates the amount of LDL or cholesterol in general and reduces HDL contents. You have to watch trans-fat intake. Even processed products labeled as zero cholesterol grams might contain some portion of trans fat. There is an option to round off grams content, meaning 0.4 cholesterol level can be labeled as 0 grams.

  • Eat soluble fiber: Your body seriously needs soluble fiber although it is not digested. It is used by digestive gut bacteria to provide them with nutrients. Such bacteria are probiotics which are vital in reducing the two harmful lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL). Adding beans, fruits, peas, oats and whole grains in your diet can be good home remedies for cholesterol.

  • Quit smoking: Smoking of tobacco lowers your body immunity. This happens by altering your blood content to the extent where it is unable to handle cholesterol. When HDL level is reduced, cholesterol that forms plaque is not transported to the liver for excretion. This affects blood vessels and leads to heart diseases.

  • Drink alcohol in moderation: Moderation is the keyword. When alcohol is taken in moderate amounts, the ethanol contained in it helps in removing cholesterol from blood vessels (arteries). When this happens, clogging that causes blood vessel rupturing, clotting, and other heart diseases can be prevented.

  • Exercise and weight loss: Exercises like biking and sprinting increases body activities to manage body weight through calorie burning and improving cardio health. With weight loss, you must watch what you eat to improve weight loss ability or maintain it at a moderate level. When weight is maintained, HDL increases and LDL reduces or remains constant, thus reducing health risk.

Cholesterol is something necessary but if over-ingested, it can have risky or fatal effects. You have to maintain a keen eye on your intake of cholesterol in your body. Apart from the above guidelines, consulting a doctor is highly advisable. It is what you do and eat that will keep your cholesterol at healthy levels.



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