High Blood Sugar Can Make You Feel Bad and This Is Why?

By Emma |
|3 min read

High blood sugar refers to a state whereby the level of glucose in the blood rises above the normal level. The normal blood sugar level for a healthy person ranges from 22 to 99 mg/dL on an empty stomach, and it could rise to 140 mg/dL two hours after eating. Diabetes is the leading factor in causing high blood sugar, while other conditions include pancreatitis, some given medications, and pancreatic cancer. Diabetes is caused by intake of foods with too many carbohydrates, processed into sugar but not used to provide energy, which will make one feel unwell. Therefore, failure to observe the appropriate diet, medication and indulge in the physical exercise by a person with high blood sugar, it can lead to even higher sugar levels.

Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

The primary symptom of high blood sugar level is abnormal thirst. It is discussed below, as well as with other typical symptoms of high blood sugar.

A. Increased Thirst

Increased thirst, medically known as polydipsia, is a common high blood sugar symptom and may be accompanied by frequent urination. The kidneys, that filter the blood, normally reabsorb the sugar from the urine. Increased levels of sugar in the blood forces the kidney to overwork and if they were being overwhelmed by the work of sifting the excess sugar, some of the sugar is excreted in urine. Sugar excreted in urine drags along with its water triggering urination, which leaves the body dehydrated. You will be forced to drink lots of water to quench the thirst which then leads to frequent urination. The cycle goes on and on.

B. Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the high blood sugar symptoms because high blood glucose level makes the blood to flow slowly in the circulatory system. It means that body cells are not supplied with oxygen and nutrients at the right time, leading to fatigue. High blood glucose in other cases causes fatigue when blood vessels are affected by inflammation. Inflammation of the blood vessels makes the immune cells, known as monocytes, to move to the brain causing fatigue.

C. Headache

Changes in the level of blood sugar are the leading cause of headaches. A headache may be an indication of high or low blood sugar levels, and the more the levels fluctuate, the higher the chances of experiencing headaches. Changes in the level of hormones can also result in constriction of blood vessels in the brain, which might also cause a headache.

D. Dizziness

Dizziness refers to the state of unsteadiness or imbalance caused by something that could affect the brain. Diabetes can cause heart disease and low blood pressure. Instances the of drastic decrease in blood pressure to a low level making the heart to be unable to pump blood to the brain after standing for a long time, can lead to the spinning sensation.

Home Remedy for High Blood Sugar

High levels of blood glucose that are not well managed, may lead to health complications. It is therefore essential to keep blood levels well controlled to avoid serious diseases. Some of the natural ways to lower blood sugar levels are listed here, and you can also consult your doctor and use some medicines to control it under his or her instruction.

A. Drinking Water Frequently to Remain Hydrated

Drinking lots of water help in maintaining blood sugar levels within the desired limits. Water helps the body to evade dehydration and also supports the kidneys to wash away excessive sugars in the blood through urination. People who drink more water are at a reduced risk of suffering from high blood sugar levels. The act of drinking water often re-hydrates the dehydrated blood vessels and lowers blood sugar levels.

B. Exercising Regularly

Exercising on a regular basis helps in the reduction of weight and increases insulin sensitivity, which means that cells are triggered to use the sugar from the bloodstream. Exercising also helps in allowing the muscles to utilize blood sugars as energy through muscle contraction.

C. Monitor Blood Pressure Regularlly

Last, you may consider buying a home glucose monitor to monitor and measure your blood sugar levels. Once you see that something is amiss, you can adjust your diet or medications appropriately.



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