Top Remedies to Remove Gum Disease

By Melody Lee |
|5 min read

Gingivitis is a condition where a person's gums become inflamed which is usually due to a bacterial infection. A lot of people may suffer from gingivitis yet be unaware they have the condition. This can happen because gingivitis may only present some general symptoms which may mistakenly be attributed to other conditions.

However, if you want to know how to get rid of gingivitis effectively, it is important to keep an eye out for its most common symptoms including the following:

  • Red, tender, or swollen gums
  • Gums that bleed when brushing teeth
  • Gums pulled away from teeth
  • Loosened teeth that change your bite

Treating and Preventing Swollen Gums

Because it is still an early stage of gum disease, it is possible to find a suitable gingivitis cure that can help stop the condition from progressing and even reverse it completely. Depending on how you want to go about it, you can consider options like home remedies, medications, professional cleaning, or surgery to treat your condition.

Here are some ideas for you to consider:

1. Home Remedies

When it comes to home remedies, some have been identified as helpful for improving the symptoms of gingivitis. Home remedies are an inexpensive and convenient first line of treatment for many people. Here are some remedies to get you started:

  • Saltwater Treatment

One of the most well-known and practiced remedies for treating gingivitis is a simple saltwater gargle. A solution of salt and water increases the pH balance of the mouth and creates an environment that makes it hard for bacteria to survive. Targeting the bacteria in this way can reduce the pain and inflammation of gingivitis.

To prepare a salt water rinse, simply stir half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Just like any other mouthwash, swish this solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds and spit out.

  • Coconut Oil Pulling

Another remedy to use is coconut oil pulling. This technique involves placing about two teaspoons of oil in your mouth and swishing it around for about 10-20 minutes before spitting out.

Coconut oil is considered a suitable choice of oil for this treatment since it possesses natural antibacterial properties. This home remedy needs to be paired with a daily oral care routine.

  • Turmeric Gel Application

By itself, turmeric is one of the most potent ingredients available offering multiple health benefits. It is also able to help with gingivitis particularly because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

To use, simply apply turmeric gel to the gums after brushing teeth thoroughly. Leave in place for 10 minutes before rinsing mouth with water.

If the above remedies are not helpful in improving your condition, you should seek medical assistance to ensure you find the right gingivitis cure for your condition.

2. Medications:

If you want to know how to treat gingivitis using methods other than home remedies, the following medications are suitable as well:

  • Antiseptic Mouthwash

An antiseptic mouthwash can help control bacterial colonization in the mouth. Alcohol-free mouthwash is usually recommended as alcohol can dry out the oral cavity, and that is not good for health or digestion.

Antiseptic mouthwashes to treat gingivitis usually contain active ingredients like cetylpyridinium, chlorhexidine, and essential oils to reduce plaque. While most antiseptic mouthwashes are available over the counter, your dentist may prescribe a stronger formula if your gum disease progresses to an advanced stage.

  • Oral or Topical Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are most often prescribed when gingivitis progresses to an advanced stage. The biggest advantage of using topical antibiotics is that the application of it helps to treat the disease in the specifically targeted area. Some of the most common antibiotics include tetracycline, azithromycin, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, and amoxicillin.

This type of medication is usually given as prescription-only because it is used to treat gum disease that does not respond to milder, over-the-counter antibiotic medication.

  • Ubiquinone

Another way to combat early gum disease is by using ubiquinone. Ubiquinone is also known as CoQ10 which has to be converted into ubiquinol before the body can utilize it. It is available in a supplemental form which is easy to take in order to get all of its benefits.

3. Professional Cleaning

Dentists can use several cleaning techniques to deep clean teeth and remove accumulated plaque and tartar. Some of these non-surgical approaches include:

  • Scaling - the process of removing all plaque and tartar that has collected above and below the gumline.

  • Root Planning - the next step after scaling where your dentist smooths out the roots of your teeth. This helps your gums reattach better to your teeth.

  • Dental Lasers - a less painful alternative to traditional scaling and root planing. Lasers are used to access and remove inflamed gum tissue after which scaling and root planning can take place.

4. Surgery

Surgery is often the treatment of last resort for gum disease. Surgical interventions can include the following options:

  • Flap Surgery - this involves lifting the gums back to remove tartar. Where applicable, irregular surfaces of damaged bones may also be smoothed. When done, the procedure is completed by placing the gums back into the tissue fits nicely around the gum.

  • Bone Grafts - this uses the patient's own bone fragments, synthetic bones, or donor's bones to replace bone that has been destroyed by gum disease. The grafts assist in bone re-growth and restore stability to weakened teeth.

  • Soft Tissue Grafts - this uses grafted tissues taken from the roof of the patient's mouth which are then stitched in place to reinforce receding gums.

Taking Care of Your Mouth

Most cases of gingivitis can be prevented by following proper oral hygiene practices. Here is a list of dos and don'ts to keep your mouth healthy and happy:

1. Do:

  • Brush teeth two times a day on a daily basis.
  • Floss to remove stuck food particles once every day.
  • Use mouthwash to wrap up your daily oral hygiene routine morning and evening.
  • Go to the dentist for regular cleanings. If there are any issues, your hygienist will be able to identify these during checkups and decrease your chance of developing gum disease.

2. Don't:

  • Scrub your teeth and gums too harshly. This can make gums recede.
  • Consume sugary foods or drinks as these cause cavities. Also stay away from acidic foods which have the potential to destroy tooth enamel.
  • Smoke because smoking compromises the body's immune system making it difficult for gums to heal.


Knowing how to get rid of gingivitis is great, but what is even better is preventing it from happening in the first place. By utilizing these tips which include home remedies and other treatments, you can be sure that your teeth and gums will be in top-notch health and you can be happy living a life free from gum disease.



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